Essay On American Red Cross

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The American Red Cross is a global organization. It was founded by Clara Barton on May 21, 1881. She also called for the enactment of the Geneva Conventions. She was inspired by the Swiss Red Cross network when she visited Europe. She was in charge of the Red Cross for about 23 years. Some of the Fundamental Principles of the American Red Cross is humanity, neutrality, and universality.
First, humanity is one of the Fundamental Principles of the American Red Cross. To practice this principle, the Red Cross tries “to prevent and alleviate human suffering wherever it may be found.” Some of the ways the Red Cross helps people is by providing disaster relief, lifesaving blood, and training & certification. Disaster strikes in many forms including weather related and house fires. They help provide food, clean water, and shelter to those in need. Donating …show more content…

As we all know, the economic development, the proportion of pollution, ecological imbalance, war, and terrorism is rising up, so disaster can happen wherever, by people or nature. These disasters can wreck millions of lives. In order to save the lives of these people the Red Cross is taking action. This can be seen in many ways, like International Services. This means that the Red Cross provides assistance to those in need globally. The American Red Cross will work together with local Red Cross chapters to help and give the best support to as many people as they can. Also the Red Cross, “[invests] in disaster preparedness [which] makes communities less vulnerable.” For example, they help prevent measles by vaccinating children against the virus. The Red Cross also educates people on matters of international humanitarian law. They also “are reconnecting families separated by international war and disaster.” This shows the humanitarian spirit and it is a good way to heal the souls of those affected by the

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