Essay On Agricultural Farming

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INTRODUCTION Agricultural farming is a process of farming in which farmer choose a particular type of farming practices, which can be broadly classified into subsistence and commercial farming. The type of agricultural practice chosen by an individual however depend not only the geographical location which is a function of the culture, education, technology and income of the people. The majority of small scale farmers in Maqadini area, they are facing the poverty, because according to international encyclopedia of economics defined “poverty as a condition faced by families and individuals that fail to receive sufficient income to provide for their basic needs”, in other words, a condition of material deprivation (Petty, J, Morison, R.E., and Hinc,R.2003). The one may say that this rural area is facing a big problem because of the limitation of social services and infrastructure, which can be related to poverty. In Maqadini local food is produced by the small scale farmers cultivating small plots of land depending on rainfall rather irrigation system and usually season take some time to rain. Surveys across the country indicate that both genders (female and males) “farmers cultivate less than 1 ha per household and then also the high proportion of rural people suffer from malnutrition and diseases related to nutrition” (Worldbank, 1996). The other issues are the road network which is the one of the least developed and most of the roads become inaccessible during the rainy days then the unreliable distribution forces the farmers to grow their own food and less of perishable commodities causing a lower productivity. Crop yield become low because farmers lack the inputs such as fertilizers and the farmers have to cope with the declin... ... middle of paper ... ...stems and animal husbandry practice. Hence there is a declining of soil fertility resulting in low level of crop production (due to the lack of input necessary compensate such as fertilizers) and therefore food become scarce due to the pressures of increasing population, low level of livestock productivity (caused by the lack of vaccination) and the farmers have access only to small piece of land for cultivation and this reduce profitability of producing food crops for the markets. OBJECTIVES • To identify the various types of farming system practices in the study area. • To examine the relationship between agricultural practices and rural poverty in the study area. • To investigate suggestion on how to improve the rural economy and sustain the environment for future generation. • To establish the socio-economic conditions of smallholder farmers in the study area

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