Essay Comparing Frankenstein And Things Fall Apart

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After reading and taking notes on both Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein” and Chinua Achebe’s “ Things Fall Apart” I have come to the conclusion that the common theme is: “ Even in reaching for your goals you should value others and yourself so there is no form of destruction or self destruction involved.” I say this because both men in these stories wanted to gain power or reach a certain goal in life. Okwonko’s goal was to be one of the most powerful men in his clan and for his sons to be the best and follow in his footsteps. Frankenstein’s goal was to be the first man to make non-living or dead things come to life. Then somewhere at the beginning of the story another character creates fear or misplacement of some sort in the book; therefore, there is competition between the protagonist and other character that eventually results in their doom . Frankenstein and Okwonko both reminisce on memories. …show more content…

One day Nwoye was enticed by the Christians and debated joining them. When he and his father got into a quarrel it was the last straw and Nwoye joined the Christians, abandoned his family, and now he is disowned by his father. That also plays a part in his downfall by showing how much tension there was between his family and himself. Ezinma grew up to be one of the most beautiful women in Mbanta and earned the name “Crystal of Beauty” like her mother. Owen hoped that their titles and their soon to be marriage in Umofia would help in the exclusiveness of his home return. The protagonist in this case would be Okwonko because the whites are the antagonists. Since the Christians were demanded to leave they held all of Umofia’s leaders captive. They starved them, did not give them drink, whipped them, and shaved their heads. In the end Owen killed himself. His goals couldn't be reached because of the Christians so he killed

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