Essay About Snoring

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Is Snoring Bad For Health?
Snoring is a type of disorder in which an animal or a human being produces a harsh or grunting sound from their throat or mouth during sleep and the sound which is generated from their mouth or throat is due to the vibration of soft palate which is at the back of the roof of the mouth. Or
Snoring is a type of disorder in which a sound is generated during sleep by the vibration of loose tissue in the upper airway.
Symptoms of snoring
The noising breathing takes place during sleep is obvious in the disorder snoring. Along with this, there are some symptoms of snoring that have a very strong relationship between them. A lot of are their people who don’t know that they are suffering from such disorder …show more content…

This usually happens due to the blockage or narrowing of nose, mouth or throat of your body. When you take a breath while sleeping, the air that enters into your nose or mouth reaches to your lungs by passing through the soft palate in your mouth. The area where the upper throat and the tongue meet is known uvula is collapsible. If this becomes or blocked it disturbs the airflow which causes soft palate to vibrate against the back of throat causes snoring. The tonsils and adenoids also vibrate in this case, the narrower the airway the vibration of tissues is more, the more tissues vibrate the snoring is as much louder. There are also some other causes of snoring which are as …show more content…

OSA is a disease in which there are various episodes of breathing pauses greater than 10 seconds at a time, due to the narrowing of the upper airway. This lowers down the amount of oxygen in the blood, due to which heart need to work harder than the normal condition and this is very dangerous for the health of a snorer.
Stroke is a type of disease in which the arteries present in the neck may get narrow due to fatty deposits called plaque and as result stroke. If you snore more loudly and long each night you have more risks of stroke. Therefore protect yourself and have a proper checkup especially if you have other health issues, for example, blood pressure.
Heart or cardiac diseases
Sleep apnea is a disorder linked to cardiovascular; high blood pressure and coronary artery disease leading to heart attacks. And according to doctors, the patients suffering from sleep apnea have more the chances of both fatal and non-fatal cardiac attacks. Therefore this disorder should be treated to get rid of chances of cardiac attacks.
Issue of Arrhythmias
People who are suffering from the long-term snoring or sleep apnea have an irregular heart rhythm or arrhythmia. And the patients with sleep apnea have more chances of atrial fibrillation and it is treated with CPAP.

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