Esoterrorist 2.0

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When the Esoterrorists (1.0) first came out, it changed the landscape of horror gaming, as it presented a modern alternative to Cthulhu that was believable, terrifying and easy to use (as it pioneered the GUMSHOE system). Like its companion ([i]Fear Itself[/i]), it languished around as it was soon eclipsed by Pelgrane’s other great contribution – [i]Trail of Cthulhu[/i] with a few adventure PDFs (that got turned into full fledged books) and supplements (starting with the remarkable [i]The Book of Unremitting Horror[/i]). It takes investigative horror to a whole new level without playing with familiar tropes of zombie invasion (which just appeals to American security angst) or vampirism (the analogy of the vitality of the nation being drained away by a hidden ruling class). Which as much as I love the mood that White Wolf products do create – they lack a certain – je ne sais pas... In steps the remedy from Europe, as Pelgrane is a British company that employs freelancers from Canada and United States yet still retains a continental flair. Esoterrorists postulated there is a hidden conspiracy that dominates the world when humanity adopted rationality and started using science instead of magic as explanation for the way things are. For magic, both in terms of conventional trickery and more dangerously, the subconscious manifesting powers that draws upon the boundary between cosmic unknowable horrors and mundane life. And, Esoterrorists are the equivalent of cultists in many games – the difference is that cultists conjure up a pejorative connotation, whereas, Esoterrorist is no means benign but it threads in the threat is everywhere – it could be your neighbour, the wealthy businesswoman, the unknown serial killer or even ... ... middle of paper ... ... reinstatement of an already excellent game. In the beginning, I cited that I was always looking for a contemporary Cthulhu-like horror game…I have not found it in Esoterrorists 2.0, instead, I have found something better. It is a nice game. It gives me the inspiration to try to run something with the game milieu. Otherwise, it is an excellent resource for any modern horror game. Modern horror in the cell phones and drones attacks is a very hard thing to do. Pelgrane has made a great contribution to showing how it can be done and done very effectively through their new investigative horror game The Esoterrorists 2.0. A second edition of their first stab at introducing the gaming world to their evolutionary and revolutionary game mechanic – the GUMSHOE system which is either a heresy or boon or something we have always done but too shy to admit it. Sleight Hand

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