Eragon And Murtagh Similarities

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Imagine finding out that your older brother is working for the very man you are trying to kill. Well that's how it was for Eragon Morzansson. At first, Eragon didn’t know that his older brother, Murtagh Morzansson, was his brother at all. They were actually really good friends and helped The Varden, the rebel army trying to overthrow the king, in a few battles, but was kidnaped by two magicians who betrayed The Varden. Murtagh was then brought to the king in the capital city of the Empire, Urû'baen. In Urû'baen he was tortured by the king for some time before a dragon hatched for him. Later on, the king found out the true names, words in the ancient language which exactly describe their personality, of Murtagh and Thorn, Murtagh’s dragon. …show more content…

The first similarity is that both Eragon and Murtagh are Dragon Riders, “snarled Murtagh ‘And after Thorn hatched for me, Galbatorix forced us to swear loyalty to him in the ancient language’” (968) and “making Eragon one of the legendary Dragon Riders” (xiii). Another similarity between Eragon and Murtagh is that they both have the same parents, “I’ll say it now: Selena. Selena was my mother and your mother. Morzan was our father” (975). Finally, the last similarity between Eragon and Murtagh is that they both hated the empire and wanted to overthrow too. The reason why Eragon wants to overthrow the Empire is because of Galbatorix, the king. Galbatorix killed all the riders and dragons in Alagaësia, and the way he treated the citizens of the Empire very poorly. He makes the citizens pay a lot of taxes, he forces the men and teenage boys to to swear loyalty to him in the ancient language then forces them to fight for his army even though they don’t want to. Lastly, if someone disobeys his commands, that person will die. The reason why Murtagh hates the Empire killed his faithful servant and really close friend, Tornac. This is why I believe that the two brother, Murtagh and Eragon have many

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