Environmental Issues In The Philippines Case Study

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Unit IV- HEALTH ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES ON PEOPLE’S HEALTH Philippines is said to be one of the richest countries all over the world. With all its natural resources, endemic species, and wide biodiversity, it is indeed one of the major attractions and destinations among tourists. However, despite of its beauty, Philippines is facing a human-caused major problem – and that is the continued degradation of our environment. Here are some of the environmental issues that press our country right now along with its causes and effects on people.
Environmental Issues Definition Cause/s Effects Facts
(Note: picture for each environmental issue) destruction of forests by means of clearing and cutting of trees -Illegal logging …show more content…

Illegal Mining -unlawful acquisition or extraction of important minerals like ore, coal, nickel, gold, iron, and other materials from the earth -economic interest of the miner without any legal document (e.g. land rights, mining license, mining exploration license) that can validate the operation
- Deforestation
- Soil erosion and contamination
-Loss of biodiversity
-Contamination of water resources
-Possible formation of sinkholes
-Possible risk of death in some miners

• Black sand mining (extraction of magnetite), in the beaches of the Northern provinces, caused coastal erosion and floods to seaside communities.
• The Philippines is ranked fifth mineral-richest country in the world in terms of gold, copper, and chromite.
• The Mining Act of 1995 allows companies (Contractors) to acquire exploration permits for a specific area for up to 4 years and ownership of mining assets
Overpopulation -there is an excessive number of living individuals compared to the capacity of their environment
-Increased birth rate
advancement in fertility rate
-Better medical Facilities
-Lack of birth Control/family

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