Environment and Climate Change

925 Words2 Pages

Essay 1: Climate change #Draft1

By definition, climate change refers to all variations of the statistical average in weather

conditions over an extended period ranging from decades or longer. Over the 4 billion years of

existence, the Earth’s climate has changed many times caused by natural factors; However

during the last century, human activity has been the principal cause of climate change. In other

words, according to scientists’ researches climate change is a natural phenomenon that has

occurred in the past as well as an event made worse by recent human activity. There are many

natural causes of climate change, the more common are continental drift, volcanic eruptions,

and the melting of the glaciers. In addition to these causes, climate change has also many

man-made causes such as the emission of greenhouse gases, deforestation, pollution, use of

chemical fertilizers, burning of fossil fuels. All these causes have almost the same consequences

that are the increase of the earth’s temperature, extreme weather, and the rise of the sea level.

According to scientist Alfred Wegener, it was a time when all the Earth’s continents

have been joined together into one continent. This phenomenon occurred 250 million years

ago and it is named Pangaea. Since that time, they have been drifting apart to become the

continents we know today. This drift had an effect on the Earth’s climate and even continues

today; in fact, it changed the flow of the winds and oceans’ currents and it also enhanced the

tectonic activity and increased the level of carbon dioxide released on the atmospher...

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... Some of the man-

made causes are the emission of greenhouse gases, deforestation, pollution, use of chemical

fertilizers, the burning of fossil fuels. They have almost the same consequences linked one to

another; for example thee increase of the earth’s temperature is the cause of the melting of the

glaciers which is the cause of the rise of the sea level and may cause the extinction of species in

a few decades. And continental drift and changes in volcanic activity are also causes of the

extreme weather condition. Nevertheless, the climate is changing and will keep changing if

humans don’t make some changes in the way they live now. Indeed, the consequences that are

expecting by scientists could lead to the destruction of life on earth in a few decades. This

phenomenon threatens everyone and all countries must work together to avoid this threat.

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