Enoch’s Two Letters by Allan Sill : Analysis

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Enoch’s two letters is a novel by Alan Sillitoe, and is about how a little boy get left alone by his parents. Because his father chooses to run away with another woman, only leaving a letter on the doormat. At the same time, his mother has had it with her husband and decides to go live with her sister for a while. She also left a letter on the doormat. When Enoch return home from school that day, he finds himself all alone in the big empty house. On the one hand it is the biggest dream to be alone home for an 8-year-old boy, but on the other hand it can provoke fear. He kept thinking that they would be back in any minute, but they didn’t come so he had to stay all night in the house alone. The next day he’s still alone, so he decides to go to his grandmother in Netherfield. After explaining the grandmother the story, they return to the house. After a search around the house they find the two letters on the doormat. Enoch is an 8-year-old boy, getting abandoned by his parents. At first he liked the idea of being alone in the house, because he was the boss of the house. He soon fel...

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