Enlightenment By Shunnryu Suzuki Essay

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“When you try to attain enlightenment, then you have a big burden on your mind. Your mind will not be clear enough to see things as they are. If you truly see things as they are, then you will see things as they should be." In light of the theory and practice of Buddhist meditation, Shunryu Suzuki’s statement can be interpreted in many different ways. It is my belief that this statement can be broken down into three parts. First, it discusses the overall toll that the quest for enlightenment can have on the mind of one that meditates, secondly it expounds on the difficult task of clearing the mind, and lastly discusses the outcome of enlightenment. In the statement by Suzuki, the overall message is to discuss the road to enlightenment. According to Buddhism, the road to Zen is through meditation. In its totality, Suzuki is trying to get the reader to understand that in the journey to enlightenment, one will encounter many obstacles. Clarity of mind will be difficult to come by and once clarity of mind is achieved, the previous view of the world will be warped and changed forever. At the end of the quote, Shunryu gives the devotee hope by adding that after the taxing process of achieving enlightenment, the world will open up in the way that it is intended. …show more content…

When discussing the mind of a beginner (of meditation) he states, "… a mind full of preconceived ideas, subjective intentions, or habits is not open to things as they are.” Simply put, the mind, in its current state, will be very difficult to clear. The devotee must become totally committed to letting go of everything inside the mind in order to achieve the ultimate goal of enlightenment. The true goal of meditation is to transform the clouded mind into one that see the world for what is and should

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