David Suzuki Foundation Essay

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The David Suzuki Foundation is an environmental non-profit charitable organization. David and his team are working to help humans live within the earth’s productive capacity, and to “conserve our environment and find solutions that will help create a sustainable Canada, through science-based research, education and policy work” (About Us | David Suzuki Foundation, http://www.davidsuzuki.org/about/). The David Suzuki Foundation was first formed in 1990 but did not start its work until 1991. It has it’s head office in Vancouver, BC and has two other offices in Toronto, ON and Montreal, QC. It was founded by David Suzuki and now with the help of many others has been able to achieve great things for the world. The David Suzuki Foundation’s mission …show more content…

The Green Energy Act was put in place to expand renewable energy production, to encourage energy conservation and to create green jobs! David Suzuki also went on his “If you were Prime Minister” bus tour, visiting 41 cities in 30 days, just to show Canadians that we have the power to make a real difference in the environment. furthermore to make Canadians think about our environment, and the future so we can start to change the direction that our country and world is heading! Lastly as just one of the many things the David Suzuki Foundation has accomplished it opened a research station in the Amazon, to help the Kayapo people protect 11.5 million hectares of the lower Amazon! This Charitable organization has accomplished many things, and has jumped past many stepping stones, in the search for a sustainable earth, and is continuing to make a difference to this …show more content…

That is exactly why I would choose to volunteer in this charitable organization, I want that world, the world where I can stop seeing fields around my house being destroyed, taking any beauty that was once there a way, where I can see the sunset again instead of it being covered by houses, and where I can swim in any lake I choose, and because I want these things I need to take action, and I think that The David Suzuki Foundation is a good place to start! It is because I too agree that “what’s more important than the right to breathe fresh air, drink clean water, and eat healthy food?” (David Suzuki) Nothing, but because we are now fighting the same battles to stop clear cutting, and the building of dams. It has showed me that we failed to change the way that we see the world, and so the root causes of our destructiveness to the environment, have not been dealt with, and with the David Suzuki Foundation I feel like we could change that, we can destroy the root causes and finally once and for all break down that big wall standing in our way of continuing our path, to make our environment more sustainable for years and years to come! Those are just a few reasons

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