Embracing Collectivism

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Is an individual’s opinion more important than the consensus of the whole? I everyone agreed on one matter in society, it would benefit the majority of the people. Above all, collectivism drives society to contribute to the common good. People could be further altruistic and subsidiary towards others. On the contrary, individualism encourages only self-encouragement and turns society apart. Collectivism conveys the value of the whole and binds society closer. To set against social corruption and the spurious abundance of greed that an individualistic society would establish, collectivism should be valued above individualism.
Within a collectivistic society, the individuals support each other. Nobody is abandoned while others move on in their lives; everyone would be unified as one. Collectivism stresses the priority of group goals over individual goals and the importance of understanding within the social group. In fact, collectivism allows some societies like in Japan to endeavor alongside one another efficiently. In this unitary parliamentary and constitutional monarchy, the peo...

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