Elsie De Wolfe Research Paper

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At the end of nineteen century, the implication of home inner design had not yet stationary. However, Elise de Wolfe used her aesthetic sensibility and her family background to introduce aesthetics to the field of architecture. The professional term "interior design” now born in architect’s industrial. She subverted the prevailing Victorian design. Her work was considered as a break through from old design and a cornerstone of merging modern interior design. She was hailed as one of those pioneers who prevailed on the development of the career of interior design.

In an era which Elsie de Wolfe from, the society was still essentially a continuation of the ideals of bourgeois society, the architecture field was fully dominated by men at that time. In contrast, women assumed the responsibility …show more content…

She easily access to higher education, it also brought her to the upper-class society. Nevertheless, her father, who began to indulge in gambling and left enormous amount of debt once him dead, Though, Elsie De Wolfe did not follow social expectation to use marriage to support her financial situation; she chose to work as a stage actress. De Wolfe has captured her sense of fashionable style when she was stage actress; she was also an extraordinary business woman. When her acting career didn’t match up her expectation, “she found another way to attract sizable crowds to the theater. Dressing in the latest Paris fashions and designing sets made up of genuine (often priceless) antiques, de Wolfe cultivated her own special form of bourgeois theater.”(Gibson, K. K. 2009, P. 250) She became well known as world's most fashionable person in that time. Women observed her fashion image and emulated of her clothing or dress. Soon, she started to design her own theater stages, from lighting to any decoration details; which prompted her attention to interior design field

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