Elliott Currie's View Of Crime In A Market Society

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Elliott Currie felt Wilson theory was flaw, in three ways. The first being, that it has a misplaced faith in the prison system being the solution to crime. Third Currie believes that Wilson’s crime analysis is flawed because his social analysis is flawed, lastly Currie rejects Wilson’s conclusion that in essence, and the government can do nothing about crime other than incarcerate most offenders. Currie’s theory of Crime in a Market Society brings awareness to the many mass incarceration. Which brings the next question of why is prison’s so filled, and yet serious violence in America remains a problem.
Currie felt that capitalism is the main source of crime, particularly the high rate of violent crime in the US. Capitalism comes in multiple forms like compassionate capitalism, keiretsu capitalism, and continent or harsh brand capitalism. Elliott Currie believed we ‘America’ live in a market society, also call market economy. Currie expressed that economic inequality has had a direct impact on criminal behavior. Specifically, he focused on violent crimes. He introduce the thought of the market society in which individuals …show more content…

A market economy that fails, to address the needs of at-risk children and adults. Currie feels Americans are so focused on the economy that there is no regulation, Americans also believe, it is a free market, and that individuals are responsible for their own failures or success. This type of economy is a system in which economic resolution and pricing of goods and services are determined and focused entirely by the aggregate of country’s citizens and business with little government intervening or central planning. This means private firms account for all production. Meaning consumers decide what should be produced, based off of what they have purchased. Businesses determine how products will be produced, while also being

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