El Chupacabra

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The El Chupacabra originated from 2,300 of European and American traditions about the story. The El Chupacabra name means (goat sucker) in Spanish (Colavito, 1995). El Chupacabra originated or came about in Latin America, but the first modern report was in Puerto Rico in 1995. It stands about 4 to 5 feet tall. The creature has powerful legs that give it the ability to jump far distance. The animal also has long claws, terrifying red eyes and distinctive spike going down its back (Radford, 1995). Mrs. Tulentiono claimed she saw a lizard like creature. Benjamin Radford a scientist described the unknown animal as the same description as Mrs. Tulentiono. El Chupacabra was a creature that preyed on goad mostly and drinks their blood, …show more content…

She received two gifts from her brother living in the United States (Santino, 2008). The brother told the family that they would pick them up to bring them to the United States. The family was picked up, but abandoned in the Sonora Desert. Eva brought her camera. The article said that she dropped the camera and went back to get it when she heard a growl. The family was frightening by the growl, they ran and was chased by the El chupacabra (Santino, 2008). The men were notified that they were crossing the border were T. Valentine and M. Santino. They both stated that the GPS show there were four living things instead of three in the location. When they arrived, they found the bodies of Eva’s parents and notice that the family had three wholes under their neck on each of their bodies. Eva stated that it was El chupacabra when the agents returned her to her grandmother (Santino,2006).
The Ramirez family is being attacked by an animal believe to be an El chupacabra. The conclusion I draw from this is that is not enough evidence to prove that is was an El chupacabra. This attack could have been by any type of wild animal in the desert. The video was not adequate because it did not show the individuals being attacked on the video only their dead bodies. Account two is a testimony because they did not have any evidence to prove their theory. The border control could not …show more content…

The attack left the individuals drained of blood. The people said that various animals roam this area and clear could have been any type of animal. In the accidental death report conducted by coast guard did not state the individual appears to be attacked by unidentified animal.

Account 3:

Account three is invalid and unsound, because the unidentified creature that the young man shot was a canine of some sorts according to the wildlife expert. Carter Pope was sure he shot el chupacabra, but he did not know until the wild specialist. The canine suffered from the mange and very sickening. Comprehensiveness
Account 1 For account one, the considered evidence when the story first came up, because it was thought they may have caught the namimal that looked like it. The animal didn’t look like el chupacabra at all it did nott have any spikes or anything. In this they think el chupacabra would have broken out of a little cage like the one they had it in. The things that made it believe was not true were the look of it. It did look like a sick animal but it has a vicious growl that may have scared little people which was one of el chupacabra

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