Effort Is More Important Than Intelligence When Determining Success

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Many argue that those who portray high intelligence are the owners of companies and the ones who run businesses, and that they are the only ones that succeed. However, effort overshadows intelligence when intelligence has the incapability of working hard. Effort is more important than intelligence when determining success. Success is the ability to accomplish personal goals and achieve happiness. People who work hard are as capable of achieving success regardless of their IQ.
Learning is based on the effort one has. Setting goals sets us in a position to work hard and dedicate ourselves to meeting that standard. A famous quote says that we first have to allow ourselves to fail in order to succeed. Making mistakes allows us to learn and to achieve experience. Working hard and putting effort into something even if it means failing is a way to learn because it allows you to try new strategies and ideas. In …show more content…

Someone with a low IQ has the same possibilities of succeeding as someone who has a high IQ because of the effort they dedicate. For example, Albert Einstein is known as one of the most successful geniuses, but he wasn’t one of the most intelligent students when he was younger. Mathew Bass states in an article, “elementary school was a struggle for him which led to many people suspecting him of being retarded…it [has] been told that when his school teachers asked him a question he took forever to answer”(Bass). Einstein was never the smartest kid in class or the brightest, however, he did work hard and practiced his theories. He now is recognized as the father of physics and the most intelligent man. Einstein’s story proves to us that intelligence is unnecessary for success, but by putting effort and dedication to something one can really succeed. Intelligence is something that grows as we learn, effort allows us to learn and succeed without

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