Effects Of Religion On Culture

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However, since the death of these men, I believe our civil rights have strengthened just a tiny bit, it has weakened as well though. Most of us aren’t against blacks, whites, or Hispanics but we are actually against other religions and nationalities. Christianity, Catholicism, and Islam have caused many wars and conflicts. All the hate just causes more deaths, wars, and conflicts.
In addition, religion affects culture in different ways, in positive and negative ways. Religion is helpful to our society because it gives a number of different ways to worship things we believe are good for us. Many people have their own beliefs, religion causes us to follow one that one religion that we think is right. Society in the United States allows for religions to respectfully practice what they believe or believe, which is ironic since some countries don't allow their people to pick the religion they wish to follow. However, religion affects culture in positive ways, there are also negative ways as well. Given that our country has so much freedom and beliefs to follow, that can cause for usual conflict. Some people believe they aren't getting fair treatment, and this can cause disturbance or trouble between certain denominations. Mostly these arguments are a result of ignorance on the part of people who are not open minded to ways different from their own. As long as people respect another’s beliefs, the positives can far outweigh the negatives.

As a result, back then when the U.S. Supreme Court handed down its decision in the 1954 case Brown v. Board of Education, the effect was felt across the country. More than simply a document written in lawful language, the ruling was a catalyst that sparked a movement: the civil righ...

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...also told us “Cotton’s great-great-grandfather could not vote as a slave. His great-grandfather was beaten to death by the Ku Klux Klan for attempting to vote.
In conclusion, since the death of these men, I believe our civil rights have strengthened just a tiny bit, it has weakened as well though. I believe that society is now against religion and nationality more than ever before. Christianity, Catholicism, and Islam cause much hate towards each other and it just gets people to be against others. However, religion affects culture in different ways, in positive and negative ways. Religion is helpful to our society because it gives a number of different ways to worship things we believe are good for us. Different branches of religion allow a person more choice as to which religion they will follow, depending on if that branch offers what they personally believe.

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