Effects Of Colonisation In Avatar

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INTRO In the movie Avatar directed by James Cameron, an important idea is the devastating effect of colonisation. This idea is important because of the complex idea of how corrupt people are when they want something, they are willing to destroy another creatures planet. Humans were not only corrupt but they were also trying to destroy the Na’vi’s home planet. Humans were also trying to destroy the thing they value most, which was apart of nature. By colonizing their land they were hoping to get rid of the Na’vi, a good example of this and a very similar one is when Britain colonized Australia for themselves. PARAGRAPH 1 Corruption Throughout the movie there are great examples of corruption, doing anything to get what they want. They just want the mineral that costs millions, most likely for their self-benefit. Doing anything, even destroying another life forms, not only their life form but also their planet, therefore, colonizing it, just to make money, the definition of corruption is: cause to act dishonestly in return for money or personal gain, and that is exactly what they are doing. A great example of this is when someone says that they are here for the mineral/money, they need to get it no matter what. Meaning we will …show more content…

Just for the money. For their own benefit, they would destroy a planet that is not even theirs and not even loses a bit of sleep about it. All for the money corrupt for the money. Pure capitalism is what it is, do anything for a bit of money even if you know you're corrupt, even if you know you’re destroying the Na’vi Planet. An Excellent example of this is is when the bulldozer comes to the village and tries to destroy some of the environment all that, it was a high angle shot showing that the Na’vi has no power, the reason why the kept going is for the money. Greed for money is what drives

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