Effective Communication In Nursing

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Communication is continuously disregarded and overlooked, however the skill to communicate efficiently is mandatory to articulating concepts, feelings and diffusing ideas. Stated by Stacey Huish (2013) “Communication is the process of transferring information from a sender to a receiver with the use of a medium in which the communicated information is understood by both the sender and receiver”. Effective communication particularly in a nursing context, is substantial as all nurses are anticipated to develop a sense of agency and use their interaction with patients to support and provide assistance effectively. Upon analyzing two distinct scenarios based on a nurse’s communication towards a patient, it can be made apparent the effective and non-effective practices in communication, as well as the effective or ineffective techniques to client interaction, impact the competence of one’s communication which either provides poor or adequate communication. The foremost concepts of communication evident in each scenario is body language, eye contact and lack of communication. Body language, eye contact and a lack of communication are predominant factors that distinguish one’s capability to interact competently or incompetently with a patient in numerous circumstances. Best therapeutic and effective practice is frequently demonstrated through a nurse’s ability to communicate towards a patient. Interpretating and understanding the indications of non-verbal communication, is persuaded through the use or misuse of particularly body language. An effective communication exchange is evident in the scenario with the nurse and Mrs. Smith, as this scenario presents the body language that markedly places the patient to be relaxed and at ease, foll... ... middle of paper ... ...Empathetic expression, is developed through the nurses communication skills. This entails an extremely non effective practice of communication between the nurse and patient. Overall the two dissimilar scenarios based on a nurse’s communication towards a patient clearly demonstrates the effective and non-effective practices in communication, as well as the effective or ineffective techniques towards their client interaction. The primary concepts of body language, eye contact and lack of communication are predominant factors that distinguish one’s capability to interact competently or incompetently with a patient in numerous circumstances. Effective communication is a factor that a nurse needs to uphold in a nursing context, as all nurses are anticipated to develop a sense of agency and use their interaction with patients to support and provide support commendably.

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