Educational Philosophy

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Educational Philosophy When I was younger, all my friends wanted to be teachers. So, I decided at a very young age that I wanted to be a teacher too. As the years went on, I got more serious about actually being a teacher. Many people in my family have been teachers and I always thought it was something I would enjoy. Through being a junior leader in 4-H, I have had the opportunity to work with many young children. Every year at 4-H camp, I come home with a new little brother or sister. When I first wanted to be a teacher, I didn’t really think about what kind of teacher I wanted to be. Through many years of deliberation, deep thought, and exploring my options, I have narrowed down my profession to elementary education. I think that by being an elementary education teacher I will be living a fulfilling and worthwhile life. I feel that I can make a difference and help shape the lives of our youth. It never occurred to me how extensive the teacher’s education program really was until I started taking my first education class. I thought that my love for children and excitement of working with them was all that I needed to be a successful teacher. While I know those are both still very important, I have learned that I also need much more knowledge about children and teaching. Throughout the course of the year, I have learned a lot about the teaching profession, not only through class discussions. I have also learned a great deal through my observation. I always look forward to observing. It is very interesting to actually be out in the field. This year I have learned of the different teaching methods and many philosophies of education. I have decided that for my future classroom, my philosop... ... middle of paper ... ...I will work towards my master’s right after I obtain my bachelor’s degree or if I will instead work through my master’s while I am teaching. These are decisions that I will be better able to make upon graduation from the bachelor’s program at Concord College. That is my eclectic philosophy that I plan to use in my future classroom, as well as my future plans. I feel that each educational philosophy and teaching method has its own importance in today’s society as well as in my future classroom. I am very excited about teaching. And while I know that is still some time from now I am confident that I can use these years of preparation here at Concord to gain the knowledge and experience that I will need to teach my future classroom using my philosophy. My main goal is to be an effective, compassionate, and caring teacher that can make a difference.

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