Education and History

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“Bam!” imagine a world without history, or without any trace of knowledge, what would you think about it? Is it a really good thing to the world? In my opinion, “Yeah” why do we need to study history and have education anyway? It is boring, besides everybody hated history. But have you ever felt insufficient in answering something you don’t know. You have questions that can not be answer, doing things that you can not understand. These questions had brought up for many years and yet get to the conclusion. But sure one thing I can tell you education and history are important and needed because without them, everybody will be easily deceived by what others say even it is not true. First of all, let’s talk about education and how it is so important to all people. “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” Nelson Mandela. I believe with knowledge, you have the key to absolute power over any things on this earth. Education is so important because it gives people not only knowledge, but wisdom also. Without it, we will behave like animals, acting on our common sense. Education helps us to determine what is right or wrong. It helps shape the world around us. It is not something complex, but it is life itself. And if you seek for it, you will find. Orwell believes that education is the way out for anyone who wants to change their lives because it is the only key to unlock the golden door of freedom. Most people nowadays don’t get enough education, and some prevents from it. In fact, education is so valuable that it should never be neglected. Without it, we will be in controlled by someone else easily. Example like the Communist used to burn down books and captured scholars because educated people can s... ... middle of paper ... ...shall never be discovered. So history and education are super important, they make us powerful, sufficient in our way. We can’t neglect it. In fact, they should be more value than ever as a top priority for any person or nations which want to excel better. Therefore, education and history cannot be lost or it will be the end of our destruction. Finally, history opens up more opportunities to develop a more understanding of the world. While education helps to understand, determine, justify what is right or wrong. Both of them create a balance, inclusive structure throughout the world. Because of these evidences, the world can be a better place for all of us. To conclude, education and history is so important, which can never be neglected because lies in them are truth and life that cannot be bought. Forever they are the key to our milestone for an unfolding future.

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