Education In Alfred Lubrano's The Cost Of Education

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The Cost of Education Many great minds believe that education is a powerful tool. Investing in your education is the most valuable and most rewarding thing a person can do to secure their future. Influential people who have brought positive changes to the world have said: “The investment in knowledge pays the best interest”. (Franklin). “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”. (Nelson Mandela). “A brighter future starts with an education”. (Montgomery). College corrupts people, changes people and segregates families. Many people know the risk of pursuing a college education and still decide to move forward with their decision. We must ask ourselves if the cost is worth it. Alfred Lubrano discusses several of the negative aspects to receiving a college education in ‘The Shock of Education”. In Alfred Lubrano’s book, Limbo: Blue Collar Roots, White Collar Dream, he explains that education starts in the home and explains the difference in language between the middle-class and the working-class, his findings are based on the one hundred people were interviewed, he found that parents of different social classes communicate in different languages and stated “language is a key to …show more content…

“You may soon find yourself with nothing to talk to your folks or friends about”. (p.532) In other words, education changes those with lower class backgrounds into different people, and when you begin to succeed, those relationships that were once fulfilling with people from your childhood and the old neighborhood are not the same, there is not a connection as you no longer have things in common to maintain the relationship and you may find it difficult to keep in

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