Eddie Bocanegra's Redemption: The Money Used In Ceasefire

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The money used in Ceasefire is very useful because the people in charge have similar backgrounds from the people who are in jail or just getting in trouble with the law. For example Cobe Williams served 12 years in jail, now he is helping people to go through a good path. He knows how to talk to them because he was like them and he understand them. They should continue to fund ceasefire because the violence drop some percentages when ceasefire got in-between the problems in the street. Eddie Bocanegra is a good example to of helping young trouble makers to go the correct path. Eddie himself killed someone and went to jail because of that. Now he helps family who lost a loved one in gang violence or murder. The four people who help in the movie; Eddie, Cobe, Tio, Ameena; were all from the hood and understand how it ran. …show more content…

Chicago should continue to fund ceasefire and they should also expand to other places. Where they are affected as much or more than Chicago for example Detroit. There must be more people like that want to get out of the gang life, but just need a direction to be pointed at to start. Even artist that have been in the gang life might help fund the project or even help in the group. They are making a difference because people in the hood don’t respect the police as much as ceasefire people. At least they listen to them, they may not trust the police as much because of all the news in the

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