Dyslexia in kuwait

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In regard to United Nations Educational Scientific and Culture Organization (UNESCO, nd) there is 10% of the worldwide population having Dyslexia which means it approximately 700 million people with Dyslexia. Dyslexia was discovered in 1881 by man called Oswald Berkhan. The researcher came up with theory to explain causes of Dyslexia. They found that processing language zones in brain of Dyslexia is more equivalent in both side, while non- dyslexic people have bigger processing language area in left side of mind. As result, dyslexics’ people need more time to learn things. Although, dyslexia people suffering from difficulties, but they are very intelligent. For example Albert Einstein is the most incredible man of his century. Albert was suffering from Dyslexia because he has terrible memory and failure to memorize even small things such as dates. The most amazing thing that Albert succeeds in tackling a portion of the most entangled scientific equations and Formulas without any inconvenience. Albert might have never studied how legitimately tie his shoelaces yet his deductive commitments and theory still have a major impact today (Disabled World, 2008). However, a survey took from Kuwait Dyslexia Association shows that 6.3% of student attending primary school in Kuwait are having Dyslexia. According to ( Aladwani, nd) that in the same way as other different countries Kuwaiti educators are conscious of this issue. But lack of time and being pursuers with daily school schedules prevent them from not helping Dyslexia children, So Kuwait Ministry of Education (MOE) should provide Dyslexia children special school because they have poor language skills such as reading, writing, speaking, and they are emotionally sensitive.
Poor literacy skills
First of all, children with dyslexia need special school because they are suffering from poor language skills. Dyslexia sign and

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