Dumpster Project Reflection

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This course has been a huge influence towards improving my writing skills, seeking plagiarism, choice of words and style. I have learned how to use my writing in multiple ways with different literature methods. I honestly believe that writing is essential to life because we live in a world where using your intelligent abilities are necessary. I experience a great deal of mistakes in my writing such as grammar, sentence fragments and punctuation. However, this course has help students by providing a writing center to go to. I think it would be remarkable if this course would hold a class section in the writing center.
The writing center as trained professional writers, who has help students with their essays, PowerPoints, writing project etc. …show more content…

When I first saw the picture, it made me laugh because I was wondering why this man is sitting in this nice constructed dumpster, so that drew my attention. I find the story interesting because of the message it conveys to the reader. It’s about a male professor who is working on this project called the “Dumpster Project”, where he is experimenting the environmental impact of living small on a day to day bases without needing any extra material.
I could relate to this topic because people in our society aren’t all wealthy to effort to live big. Entering this class, I was excepting the teacher to be very calm, lecture, have us to take notes and have class discussions, but it was not like that. When I walked in my professor was energic and got right to business. We were writing essay in no time. I don’t think my high school English class actual prepared me for a college English class.
In high school, they go over the assignment multiple times, the papers are never long and it’s not challenging. For instance, in my high school English class we had essays and a research paper to do but they only taught us how to write in one style and the minimum pages it had to be was three full pages. Plus, a work cited pages was never important to have in a paper. Therefore, I had to learn how to correctly do citation and reference pages for my

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