Summary Of Barbara Ehrenreich's This Land Is Their Land

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The main problems facing contemporary America stem from the fact that the rich keep getting richer, the poor keep getting poorer, and this is causing a growing gap between the social classes that have existed in this country. In her book, This Land is Their Land, Barbara Ehrenreich describes many of the problems she sees in contemporary America. Using a different approach to develop a novel, Ehrenreich takes a series of blog posts and compiles them to discuss topics that people are thinking about, but are hesitant to say openly. These stories are short, but they are packed with much interesting information, and they focus on this growing social problem. The first tale is one of “CEOs vs. Slaves” which discussed the pay gap between CEOs and …show more content…

When you see a man in a suit walking down the street, you automatically think that he is a multi-million dollar owner of a company. That man is not necessarily the owner of a big company, he could just be getting out of a meeting where everyone had to dress nicely because the CEO of the coffee shop was going to be there. The people of America made their assumptions that if people dress a certain way then they are a big time corporate executive. What Ehrenreich does is make a list of “classes” that college students should be taking to inform them of what is happening in the real world once they graduate. These classes include : Elementary Class Structure of the U.S., Presidential Architecture, Race, Gender, and Occupational Preference, Topics in University Financing. The next story that is very closely related to this is called “could you afford to be poor?” This story talks about the high cost of living in low-income urban neighborhoods. Since there is such a high cost of living in these neighborhoods, it is harder to provide for your family if there is low income there. In these low-income neighborhoods, people are less likely to have bank accounts because of the expenses it can cause them to have if they have a low balance. To cash their checks, they have to pay anywhere from $5-$50 just to cash their check. So essentially you are paying more money to cash your check. They are also less likely to have access to a large supermarket store without driving a long way to get there, so they rely on smaller, but more expensive food stores with lower quality for their

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