Dual Relationships In Counselling

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The area of multiple (or dual) relationships in counseling highlights the need for ethical, professional boundaries, yet these are shifting. How might clients be harmed (or helped) by these relationships? Give examples. The client can be helped because he or she is seeing the counselor in a more comfortable setting. However, I believe this becomes an issue because the counselor is viewed more as the client friend as supposed to the patient. For example, if the Mark was Mary’s personal counselor and her college professor this would be an example of a dual relationship. For example, a bad situation would be if Mark and Mary begin an intimate relationship. According to the (American Psychological Associate, 2002) “if a counselor participates in a relationship with the client, it clouds the judgment of the counselor and therefore therapy sessions become less effective” (p.419). Discuss how …show more content…

The first traps are circumstantiality trap when the counselor does not give the patient the best advice to deal with a particular situation. An example of this would be a counselor telling a person to leave their job because the employees are treating her bad instead of standing up for herself. Or a counselor trying to tell the patient what to do situations because a counselor’s job is to help not to make the decision for you. The second trap is the common example trap. This is when the counselor offers the patient advice however the patient becomes self-reliant on counselor for the answer to their problem. An example of this would be a counselor telling a patient to fix something based off something they have read in a book. The last one is the values trap, this is when the counselor is giving advice based on their viewpoint. An example of this would be someone trying to persuade a person not to be homosexual. According to (Jeffrey A Kottler &David S. Shepard 2016), “values trap is wrong the counselor imposing their beliefs on the client”

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