Dual Relationships In Counseling

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According to Allison L. Kramer (2016) in her “Why we can’t be friends” article, researches have observed numerous relationships between psychotherapists and their present and/ or previous clients. Boundary issues have been studied in the world of ethics and dual-role relationships with current clients are ordinary for some practitioners in their daily practice. Meaning it isn’t rare to run into dual relationships in counseling. These relationships aren’t always negative nor avoidable states Kramer. The example she used for dual-role relationships being advantageous and unavoidable was a school guidance counselor having multiple roles in the school. The counselor could also be “a coach of a sports team, thus filling both a counselor and …show more content…

The article “Managing boundaries under pressure: A qualitative study of therapists’ experiences of sexual attraction in therapy” states that throughout a lifetime of practice, many therapists don’t cross boundaries and the relationship is strictly professional. That leads to the questions about what strategies they use to help them during difficult situations where boundaries could be crosses. (Martin, Godfrey, Meekums, & Madill …show more content…

As well as knowing how to manage boundaries. In an article written by Brett Smith, Jacquelyn Allen Collinson, Cassandra Phoenix, David Brown, and Andrew Sparkes states that crossings certain boundaries may present risks and lead to numerous complications. Boundaries, therefore are important. The article stated the importance of knowing how to know when you’re “getting to close” to avoid jeopardizing your career.( Smith et al., 2009) As mentioned earlier counselors can have a double role in the school making them the counselor as well as a sports coach. In the article “DIALOGUE, MONOLOGUE, AND BOUNDARY CROSSING WITHINRESEARCH ENCOUNTERS: A PERFORMATIVE NARRATIVE ANALYSIS” a male coach states how he coaches a female team but he has kept a distance between him and his players and also has female assistance for the sake of his job. The coach is taking steps considering what is best for his career and his

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