Drunk Driving Penalities

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Penalties of Drunk Driving When an individual makes the decision to drive an automobile when they are under the influence of alcohol, they can be affected negatively in both personal and financial ways. It is as well an illegal act in many places because over 13,000 people are killed a year currently in alcohol related crashes according to abc news. Although drunk driving is a serious issue, it can be preventable so drunk drivers don’t endanger their own, or friend’s live. If someone is caught drunk driving, they can be fined into the hundreds. Even worse, if you are in an accident, the offender’s insurance may not be able to cover the cost. If one hit another automobile, the driver of the damaged car will be able to sue you for a lot of …show more content…

Even if you are looking to applying for a new job, you will have a low chance of being hired because of your record. Not only is getting arrested for DUI embarrassing, but it can also affect your reputation with the people that surround you in your everyday life. Stress is another factor that comes with a penalty of drunk driving. If you are caught, you have to deal with everything that comes with a DUI. The “stress of having to go to court, attend DUI classes, pay hefty fines, and explain to people the circumstances” that describes your DUI can take awhile. Even after you received all the consequences that came with drunk driving, you still suffer from “pay down fees”, or “being denied employment” because of your offense. There were two women at the age of 18 that went to a club. They have been friends ever since kindergarten and always stuck together in their lives, until they made the wrong decision to go drive home drunk. An hour later after the tragedy the driver’s closest companion died due to a car crash caused by herself. She had to confess her crime to over 15,000 people describing the details of the tragical night before he was sent to jail. Now she has to live with the guilt he has brought by her mistakes from the night of the accident. Over 36 people die daily caused by this,

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