Drunk Driving And The Influence Of Alcohol And Driving

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Driving under influence or with high blood alcohol content (BAC) increases the risk of car accidents, vehicular deaths, and more so highway injuries across all age-groups. In fact, an intoxicated driver with relatively higher BAC increases his/her risk of death by up to 380 times in single-vehicle crash (DeMichele, Lowe & Payne, 2014). Drunk driving is often considered as the largest social problem in the modern day society since 40 to 45% of all fatal traffic accidents usually involve drunk drivers. While 16 is the average blood alcohol content among some seriously injured drinking drivers, the culture of driving under influence can only be stopped through the development of a plausible plan to prevent it (Sloan, Eldred & Xu, 2014). The highest …show more content…

(2014), about 70% of DUI offenders within the age group of 18–25 years drive under the influence of alcohol because they do not have access to adequate information about alcohol and driving. To reduce the number of fatalities associated with driving ignorance regarding the effects of alcohol, driver education will be improved through formal and informal training or community awareness programs. Driver education will also be used as a strategy to increase driver awareness with reference to the dangers and legal implications related to driving under the influence of alcohol. Essentially, this will be accomplished through of information presented in a friendly and attractive manner to the target population (college students) using PowerPoint presentations or …show more content…

For instance, create effective anti-drunk driving communications can be created on Twitter and Facebook through the use of hash tags. This will encourage continuous conversations based on experience and exchange of existing and new knowledge concerning the dangers of heavy drinking in the selected population. For instance, popular social media campaigns like "Friends Don 't Let Friends Drive While Drunk," will be used to encourage college students to embrace the need for a designated driver before embarking on drinking sprees (Glascoff et al.,

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