Drugs And Alcohol Abuse In Walk The Line By Johnny Cash

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Walk the line is a movie based on Johnny Cash’s real life. The movie seems to be fairly accurate showing Cash’s struggle with drug and alcohol abuse. It follows Cash through his struggles, triumphs, and everything in between. It showed how he relied on God to get out of the life of drugs and partying. Of course, there are some differences, like in particular, Johnny Cash’s father, Ray Cash. Cash’s first wife, Vivian Liberto Cash was also portrayed poorly in the eyes of her children. There are only a few things that Walk the Line left out, but it shows the love affair between Johnny and June.

The movie did a great job portraying the movie. The events in the film are actual things that happened to Johnny Cash. Such as the struggle he faced …show more content…

The only problems that family members had with it are how two other family members were portrayed. Vivian Liberto Cash was not entirely to blame for the Cash divorce. Johnny Cash admits that he stayed away too long, his drug problem pushed a wedge in their marriage. He was touring so much and working so hard for such long hours, he relied on uppers to get through his tours. The problems in Johnny’s first marriage were exaggerated to show the passion between Johnny and June. Also, Ray Cash was shown as an abusive, cold man who never had any connection to hisson, John. But Johnny Cash once talked of the fond memories he had of his father. Ray worked hard in Arkansas on 20 acres to support their family. When Jack, Johnny’s brother died, the film showed Ray acting very coldly towards his surviving son John. Yet, Cash speaks of his father crying and mourning with their family after the death. All in all, the film accurately shows the life of …show more content…

One of the lead producers John Carter Cash, Johnny and June’s son. The bias made Cash’s first marriage seem miserable and loveless. Vivian was shown as unsupportive of his dreams, and constantly unhappy with him no matter what he did for her. This shows the pull between Cash and Carter to strong to deny. While they were in love, their romance was exaggerated to fit their son’s view of their romance. Also, their affair was blown up to make the movie more interesting. Also, there was a bias towards God. In the film, God is shown as the strength that pulled Cash out of his addiction to drugs and alcohol. When the film was made is was soon after the deaths of Johnny and June so the film portrayed them as all good in loving memory of them. The bias is to show them in a good

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