Driverless Cars Research Paper

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When it comes to motor vehicle transport, driverless cars ARE the way of the future. The automotive industry continues to advertise safer and safer car designs, but ultimately the responsibility for the safety of themselves and the other around them, is not the cars, but the drivers. Autonomous cars are much safer than that of cars manually driven, as they remove human error from the equation. Human error being the key factor in road accidents and fatalities. Driverless cars allow people who are either incapable of driving cars for a variety of reasons, including old age and physical impairment. Would now be able to travel freely, and acquire a sort of self-independence that they did not have prior to driverless cars. Furthermore, the convenience …show more content…

Per the South Australian government, after the age of 75, the elderly have to complete an assessment every year, to assess their physical fitness and ability to drive a motor vehicle. Such an assessment would prove to be unnecessary if automated cars replaced manually driven cars. The elder would be able to travel freely without the stress and without the required ability and or eligibility to drive a car. Furthermore, those with extenuating medical conditions, disabilities or lack the necessary physical capabilities that inhibit their opportunity to drive, would be able to travel when and wherever they would like. Children would not require their parents to drive them to school, an automated car could do that for them, then drive itself home. Driverless cars create opportunities, removing the driver from a car allows for those who cannot drive reap all the benefits of a having a …show more content…

The Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) survey suggests that the average Australian spends 4.4 hours a week commuting to work. According a graph posted by ABC News, Adelaide commuters spend roughly 4.1 – 4.2 hours per week traveling to work. This time, conceivably could be cut in half the if populous would begin to used autonomous cars. As the cars, would be able to communicate with each other road speed limit could increase. What this means is that as all the cars communicate with each other, they can all travel at increased speeds, as all the cars know exactly where each other are and, what their intended direction is. The use of autonomous cars would allow people to spend more time doing productive activities as opposed to spending said time driving the vehicle. While the vehicle drives itself to a set destination, the passenger could continue working on assignments, both education and job related. They could spend their time reading, doing a hobby or simply rest. Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla, (Tesla being one of the leading innovators in car design) stated that he wants the passengers of driverless cars to “get in, go to sleep and wake up at your destination”. This shows that the enactment of driverless cars would be a more effective method of travel and shows why driverless cars are the way of the

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