Should Driverless Cars Be Allowed On Roadways Essay

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Have you ever been on your way to work, and traffic holds up and tests not only your patience, but your sanity. More than likely, there was someone on the road or highway who has gotten into an accident.Now what if I were to tell you google has mass produced a vehicle that drives itself? Well, why should that interest me?, you may be asking yourself. But wouldn’t it be great if you did not need to pay compensation for an accident that was wrongfully blamed on you, because of smart computing. Or how about having a chauffeur that drives safer and more precise than any human has. If things like safety or efficiency doesn’t grasp your attention, maybe the simple fact that anyone can get in one of these cars,sleep and relax as the car drives to your destination. So now allow me to convince you why driverless cars should be allowed on roadways.

These driverless cars for one are the future, and the future has just arrived. Many deal with the hassle of living I very crowded cities in where the traffic is straight gruesome. There are incidences where a large number of people who perhaps are a little hazy on whether the Chauffeur system is the way to go. As a …show more content…

Most likely an average person would be tired of doing the same exact thing from 7AM to 5PM. But your day is not yet over, don’t forget the drive home during rush hour, which puts more strain on your mind. Now think about everything I just said again, but now imagine yourself in one of google’s driverless cars. Those who have work experience know well about how far a driverless vehicle will exceed regular road vehicles. Chauffeur starts at at a cost of $75,000. Should that be considered a high price to pay for a car that will take on the roads at one’s leisure? As Tony Borroz wrote, these vehicles will commence “intelligent roadways that will allow the timing of traffic to be optimized to the known level of traffic density and

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