Driverless Car Essay

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Adrienne Lafrance, the writer of “Anybody Can Test a Driverless Car in Pennsylvania” published his article on on September 14, 2016. The outline of the article is as long as there’s a licensed human sitting in the driver’s seat, you don’t need a special permit for your vehicle to drive itself. The self driving Uber is now available in Pittsburgh ,Pennsylvania, a move that signals the seriousness about its future with driverless cars. Autonomous vehicles detect surroundings using radar, GPS, and computer vision. Uber didn't have to go through many hurdles for the government to allow this. That’s because all you need to operate a self-driving vehicle on public roads in Pennsylvania is the right technology. There is no need for a …show more content…

There has been so much effort devoted to thinking through the implications of self-driving vehicles. This includes independent reports from third parties like the Rand Corporation. However, government officials are still figuring out the best ways to structure this. Independent reports outlined the benefits and the drawbacks of the driverless vehicles. The many benefits include, without driver error, fewer vehicle crashes will result. The mobility of the young, the elderly, and the disabled will be increased. Traffic flow could be more efficient and congestion of cars decreased. Since, the people in the car don't have to drive, they can make important phone calls or do some last minute work. Time in the car won't feel so long which reduces people falling asleep at the wheel. However, even if they fall asleep, there a good chance nothing will happen to them. Fuel efficiency can be increased and alternative energy sources facilitated. This wouldn't only help the safety of the people but the general mood of them. It would also help the environment because they would be able to use other energy sources. One concern is occupations and economies based on public transit, crash repair, and automobile insurance might suffer as the technology makes certain aspects of these occupations outdated. However, there will be news jobs opened up because of the complexities of maing these

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