Autonomous Car Technology And Its Impact On Society

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2a. The computing technology that is responsible for my computational artifact is Autonomous car technology. Autonomous car technology is tech that allows cars to Navigating and ‘read’ the environment without help from people. However, Toyota’s Yui is different from other self-driving cars, instead of being built to drive itself, it is built to work with a person driving. Over time it gets to know the person and their habits to better assist them. Yui uses basic autonomous tech. Using sensory information, GPS and more, a car is able to drive itself. Autonomous technology is a growing industry, with almost every car company testing some form of a self-driving car, yet none are centered around a person behind the wheel. 2b. I started with a website called canvas to create a visual artifact. I started by creating small text …show more content…

One beneficial effect Yui would have on society is its impact on road safety. By the mid-century, autonomous cars are expected reduce traffic fatalities by 90%, saving 29,447 lives a year.[2] Also, if Yui feels you are unfit to drive it can take over, for example, if someone started driving while intoxicated then Yui could pick up on it and take control of the car, making the roads safer for everyone.[3] This would benefit all of the society by making it less scary and dangerous to drive and by saving lives. Another positive effect is the cost of auto insurance. Because self-driving cars are less likely to get into an accident the cost of insurance will decrease, benefiting even those who don’t own a self-driving car.[4] However, there are negative aspects. If autonomous cars become the new norm millions of people could lose their jobs.[5] Taxi, bus and truck drivers would be replaced by self-driving transportation, resulting in an economic loss. In addition, car companies that couldn’t keep up with the technological advances would be pushed aside and forgotten about, creating an even larger, economic loss and hurting the auto

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