Drinking And Driving Essay

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In today’s society, at the age of fifteen, most teenagers go to get their drivers permits. They hold the permit for six months with a curfew, and get to take their driver’s license test. To complete their test one has to take a computerized test and drive with an instructor for a short amount of time. It is way too easy to pass the test and the driving part is too quick and easy. When a teenage driver gets their license, the first thing they want to do is drive, by their selves. Peer pressure, friends, parents, and even school related stress can cause risks while a younger less experienced driver is driving. Even though, everyday young teenagers get their license handed to them, but with very little experience or training. When a teenager …show more content…

Within this when a teenager gets behind the wheel, all kinds of school related stress, work, family issues, and other friends follow them while they drive. This can cause accidents or problems with their vehicle because they are not experienced enough with those kinds of situations. A teen has many things on their mind and they focus on their phone, the radio, or their passengers. Research from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the CDC, shows that nearly 2,650 U.S. teens between the ages of sixteen and nineteen died as a result of motor vehicle crashes in 2011. About 292,000 more teenagers were treated for injuries sustained in motor vehicle accidents that same year. These 2011 rates showed that males were nearly two times more likely than females to die in a motor accident (Salem Press Encyclopedia). Tesla has been making cars that are safe and effective and are tesla is saying that is has become complicated by lingering fears over the safety of autonomous vehicles as the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration investigation a fatal tesla crash that took place in may (Fast Company 31). In other people’s views, they chose to keep it the same or make the rules less strict. Some say teens are stressed too much with other things, and they are stressed too much that is why these rules need to be applied and better enforced. Teens need to focus

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