Dragon Tribals

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Dragons are large, scaly reptiles with wings and sharp talons. The seven dragon tribes from Tui T. Sutherland’s, Wings of Fire, are similar and special in their own ways. The tribes are the Mudwings, Sandwings, Skywings, Seawings, Rainwings, Icewings, and Nightwings. Before discussing each tribe individually, here are a few similarities. Every dragon in each of the seven tribes has scales, wings, claws, and a tail. Only the female dragons can lay eggs. One dragon can also have many offspring, and live for hundreds of years. The rules for challenging the queen of a tribe are the same in all of the tribes, except the Rainwings. Only sisters, daughters, nieces, and granddaughters of the reigning queen can challenge her for the throne. The challenger …show more content…

These dragons live in the marshy area on the continent of Pyrrhia and are also carnivorous. They have thick, brown scales that resemble armor with amber and gold under scales. Mudwings are typically bulky and strong. If their body temperature is warm enough, they can breathe fire. Mudwings can blend into mud puddles and hold their breath for up to an hour. Dragonets, which are baby dragons, that hatch out of blood red eggs have scales that are almost impervious to fire. Some of the most notable Mudwings are Queen Moorhen, Clay, Umber, and Sora. The second dragon tribe of Pyrrhia is the Sandwings. These dragons live in the desert under the scorching sun. Just like the Mudwings, the Sandwings are also carnivorous. They have pale gold or white scales that resemble the surrounding desert sand. Sandwings have forked, black tongues and a poisonous barbed tail like that of a scorpion. They can use their barbed tails to poison their enemies. Since they live in the desert, Sandwings can survive a long time without water. They can breathe fire and bury themselves in the sand for camouflage. Some of the most notable Sandwings are Queen Oasis, Princess Blaze, Princess Blister, Princess Burn, Dune, Sunny, Queen Thorn, and …show more content…

This group of dragons is the most feared tribe in all of Pyrrhia. Their black and purple scales are as dark as night. Their wings shimmer with silver flecks like the stars in the night sky. These dragons can breathe fire and disappear into shadows. Nightwings can see and hear all. They are mind readers and they can foretell the future. In order for a Nightwing to have the mind reading or future telling ability, they must hatch under one full moon. In order for a Nightwing to have both abilities, they must hatch under two full moons. Mind reading Nightwings have a silver teardrop scale in the corner of both of their eyes. These dragons are carnivores. Nightwings used to live on the southernmost tip of Pyrrhia, but then moved to a volcano. After the volcano erupted, the Nightwings moved to the rainforest. The most notable Nightwings are Foeslayer, Darkstalkr, Whiteout, Clearsight, Starflight, Fatespeaker, Matermind, Morrowseer, Stonemover, Queen Battlewinner, Princess Greatness, Deathbringer, and Moonwatcher (Moon). In conclusion, each of the seven dragon tribes has some similarities and differences. Even though the Mudwings, Sandwings, Skywings, Seawings, Rainwings, Icewings, and Nightwings are mostly different from each other, they manage to survive on the same continent together. From time to time the dragon tribes do have their skirmishes, but in the end they manage to resolve their conflicts despite their

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