Dorothy Parkon With The General Review Of The Sex Situation Analysis

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My Life in Comparison with the General Review of the Sex Situation
It’s the age old debate; Men and women are different. Woman thinks one way while the man thinks another. Dorothy Parker writes, in General Review of the Sex Situation, some of the differences. Based on my own experiences I can confirm the truths she writes about. She details many differences between a man and a woman in a relationship, including faithfulness, commitment level, and a connection with God.
One of the very first topics Parker writes about is faithfulness. She speaks of the differences as to how the woman wants Monogamy in a relationship and how “Man delights in [the] novelty” (line 2). As a woman, I can attest to the accurateness of this. As a mere child, I can …show more content…

“Love is woman’s moon and sun” (3) is a line where she begins to detail how immensely significant love is to a woman. The moon and sun are a symbol of what a woman fantasizes about. It speaks about how the man, however, enjoys fun in other avenues. Again, speaking back to my past relationships, I can attest to the authenticity of this statement. For as long as I could remember, I delighted in the idea of finding love. From a little girl on up to an adult, this has proved to be true for me; A romanticized look into my future is what it was. However, in many relationships I found, men were merely seeking pleasure rather than love. I also believe Parker is speaking of love on a deeper level. I believe she is also inserting it as a form of intimacy in regards to making love. Women are more inclined to make love and men are more inclined to satisfy a primal urge with no feelings attached. A woman will long for an intimate connection and a man will long for his 3 seconds of …show more content…

In today’s day, it is said that women typically are more spiritual. Men seem to drop their relationship with God much more rapidly, as parker points out “count to ten, and man is bored” (6). In today’s generation, men are fickle. It’s not considered masculine to have an all out relationship with the Lord. Even in church today I see so many men holding back because they view it as womanly to live to serve the Lord. As I sat in my church pews, just this past Sunday, with my arms stretched towards the Heavens, openly praying and praising God, I looked to the men surrounding me and saw absent stares upon their faces. The room was filled with predominately women and the majority of the men appeared as if they were only there to appease their significant other. I can recall even seeing some dawdling on their cell phone. I recall valiantly pleading my ex-husband to come to church with me. I yearned, so badly, for him to have a relationship with the Lord and to be the spiritual leader of our home, as he once had. But, he too had become complacent and

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