Donald Trump Doubles Down On Gays Summary

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Imagine a hard working woman in the United States with a job as a receptionist who supports two children aged five and six. She rents a house, supports her children, pays taxes and poses no threats, but she and her children are deemed as evil to authority and others in the United States. Why? Many view them as threats because they follow the Islamic religion. The Muslim woman and her children fled the civil war in Syria for asylum in America, but rather than continuous security and support in America; she faced deportation after Donald Trump announced his plans for Muslims in the United States. Trump's presidential campaign was notoriously named racist, sexist, and discriminatory against religion throughout his campaign because of the remarks …show more content…

FOX reports were in favor of Trump's idea because it would make America more secure. Security of the nation is a significant factor to the FOX network as is evident in one article titled "Trump Doubles Down on Vow to Bar Muslims" by Christopher Snyder. In the article, Snyder backs up Trump's statement against Muslims by adding some context to the infamous remark. Snyder added phrases from Trump, such as "You're going to have many more World Trade Centers if you don't solve it -- many, many more and probably beyond the World Trade Center," aiming to take away some of the racializations behind Trumps' words (Snyder, 2015). Another article from FOX written by Dana Blanton, argues that the attack in San Bernardino, California that killed fourteen people was the motive for Trump to make these statements as the couple who carried out the attack were Muslim (Blanton, 2015). This addition to the news article promotes the idea that Trump's proposed policy would do well at reducing terrorism by Muslims. Lastly, in a FOX interview with Bill O'Reilly, Donald Trump said the ban on Muslims entering the United States "is about security, it's not about religion" (Trump Says Vow, 2015). From this, it appears that FOX News does also racialize Muslims by assuming that most are inherently terrorists wishing to harm …show more content…

Despite this, Trump’s point is strong since his best interest is the security of the United States. He was unsure of how precisely to target the Muslims wishing to harm Americans, so he called for a shutdown until he could create tighter security controls for the borders of America. It is smart to stop and rethink solutions for a problem rather than continue with the problem and take a chance of things becoming worse. Overall, mediality has a lot do with how people view Donald Trump as “‘mediality’ (media accounts of events) is often a distorted mirror of events” (Markus & Moya, 2010). Before the 2016 election race relations seemed to be okay, but as a result of this distorted image people are given about the discrimination against individual races in the United States, the state of race relations in America seems to be getting worse. There has always been some tension between all races, and there will continue to be, but recently there has been an uproar of protests. This is very much so because of Trumps’ ideologies and wishes for the United States as president, but also because of how the media alters headlines to make them more shocking. Trump is unforgiving and very public about his ideas, and this is something that the nation has not seen in a while. This is because it is

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