Donald J. Trump: The Consequences Of Nationalism

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In the turbulent political cycle of 2016, it has become apparent that many people have replaced their Patriotism with Nationalism. Patriotism is doing what is best for your country regardless of the consequences to yourself; Nationalism is doing what is best for your country regardless of the consequences to others. Nationalism was largely the mindset of the Nazis, and it has now become the mindset of many of the American people. Nationalism is a dangerous mindset that must be stopped quickly, lest it become a permanent stain upon the American legacy.

The best example of Nationalism that one can find would have to be situated in Nazi Germany. At the peak of the Nazi party, there were more than 8 million people who registered themselves as Nazis. The only rational explanation I have for this many people to have supported Hitler's murder of millions of innocent people would be that they had a mindset of Nationalism. Nationalists don't care if ten million people are murdered just so their country can be the best. …show more content…

A sadly powerful example of Nationalism sneaking into a country's political cycle in the present time would be the campaign and nomination of Donald J. Trump. Trump has made many Nationalistic statements and stands by highly Nationalistic policies, and yet he has a large group of supporters who simply don't care what his policies will do to other countries because “It'll make us great again.” Several of his policies would create trade wars that would starve millions of people who depend on the economy of the United States, and he has promised to kill the families of terrorists, who are practically slaves! As much as one might like to think that Trump is the problem, he isn't. Trump is the symptom; Nationalism is the

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