Should We Embrace Nationalism

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Although some have said that "nationalism is measles of humankind", in my opinion, it is not. Nationalism has led to the growth of identities, and innovations. These reasons influence us in so many good ways that we should embrace nationalism to a great extent. Although at the same time I believe that we shouldn't embrace it to the extent of where we hurt others.

Nationalism has led to a growth in identities around the world.
One example of this is the Olympics. The Olympics is where different nation-states go to compete against each other in sports. The people who go, represent the country that they come from. During the Olympics, people feel proud for their nation-state when their representatives win, or sad when they lose. They embrace their nationalism through competition.
Another example of this is when women fought for suffrage. For women, they protested that they should be able to vote. Their nation went to the extent of throwing a protest for their rights. Another …show more content…

One example of this is in Indonesia. In 1976 Indonesia, a company was made called IPTN. IPTN is a government issued company that makes aircrafts. The Indonesian people felt proud and that they felt they were equal with the west because of what a success it is and that it was one of the only company's that specialized in making aircrafts. Another example is the Otaku Coin. Otaku Coin is a currency (under consideration) which can be used to support creators or to buy merchandise in a much easier way. To get Otaku Coin you watch, share, and review anime. This expresses nationalism in the way of getting the entire Otaku community together instead of there being the western community and the Asian community. One very important innovation is the railroads. The railroads are important because it connected different parts of the country and was a way to take goods from one place to another. These are good extents of embracing

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