Domestic Violence In Serial Killers

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The names of those children were; Kip Kinkel, who decapitated cats, dissected live squirrels and blew up cows. Andrew Golden, shot dogs before he turned his guns on his classmates. Luke Woodham, beat and burned his own dog, Sparkle. Describing his dog’s painful and tortured death as a “thing of pure beauty”. Michael Corneal, threw a cat into a bonfire. All of these children were animal abusers and weren’t punished at that point. Only until they started to kill people; then society saw that they needed help. When the truth is they needed help when these children might have been brought up in messed up households. Consisting of domestic violence, but with a start of animal abuse. They were to have empathy towards all living things; including …show more content…

Names of some of these serial killers …show more content…

Patrick Sherril, who murdered fourteen co-workers and then killed himself, stole pets then tied them up and allowed his own dog to mutilate them. David Berkowitz, the so-called “Son-of-Sam,” shot his neighbor’s Labrador retriever. Albert DeSalvo, the “Boston Strangler,” shot arrows into boxes of trapped cats and dogs. Brenda Spencer, who fired fourty shots into a crowd of children, murdering 2, wounding 9 had a history of setting the tails of neighborhood cats and dogs. Carol Edmund Cole, who murdered thirty-five people, admitted his first violent act was strangling a puppy. Richard Allen Davis, kidnapper and murderer, doused cats with gasoline and set them on fire. Those were examples of infamous serial killers who had started off killing animals; as children and then into bigger murderers. That was because when they were young, they weren’t stopped right away. Neighbors nearby saw everything but never said anything. They could have been children who were abused or raped as young children and they never knew how to care. They acted out what they thought was the right thing to do; or out of anger. Taking out on an animal is easy at first because they thought that they could get away with it; and they did. At the end, they ended up killing people in

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