Dnr Pros And Cons

597 Words2 Pages

The issue at hand is the hunting and trapping of the grey wolves in the Upper Peninsula

of Michigan. The fear is the continuous hunting and trapping of these animals could make them

extinct. This to me is an example of supply and demand. The supply would obviously be the

wolves in there wooded environment and the resource in demand is the areas where the humans

want to live nut have to share it with the wolves. The problem is the wolves have become

somewhat of a nuisance and have harmed and killed many domestic animals and livestock. There

is also the fact that would hunting these animals, really help take care of the problem or would it

be a recreational hunting adventure.

I think the government has a huge role in this as
This act was a way to protect the

economy of Michigan and its people. This also allowed the placement of wolves and other

animals into a category of game hunting animals to relieve the population and provide some



control to prevent damage to lives. There are many different ways the DNR was trying to keep

wolves out of the human population. The ways they detoured the wolves where fences, using live

traps, use of guard animals and hazing (Wardell, 2013). I think if we keep using these kinds of

methods but stronger force behind them they could have been more successful in dealing with

the problem, before we came to having to have the animals killed.

If these hunts are done quickly and properly, and hunters legally hunt, I think that the

hunts for these animals could help control the population just enough ti help control the

overpopulation. There is one thing that is a red flag to me is making sure all the hunters are

following the rules and regulations, so hunters do not get away with pouching. The problem is

what it is and it continues to be a problem in the Upper Peninsula. The grey wolf population

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