Diversity In The Workplace Today Essay

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Managers in today's workforce must handle a variety of issues, compared to 50 years ago. One of the main issues includes keeping motivation alive in employees. Jobs and careers are far more complex now than they were. With that being said, diversity, along with advances in technology and fewer entry-level positions available for low- wage employees.
Diversity is definitely one of the most important obstacles that is affecting the way managers give motivation, compared to 50 years ago. In today's workforce, there have been drastic changes. Diversity in the workforce now ranges from race and sex to sexual orientation and political views of an employee; Compared to 50 years ago, where the primary race in the workforce was Caucasian and other differences were not expressed. Managers must adapt to the overall appeal to the audience that is needing motivation. Although one cannot make every single body in a room motivated to do something with one appeal, it is important that a managers work personally with their employees to reduce diversity issues and work productively. In the article, 'The Top 10 Diversity Facts in the Workforce Today,' It is stated that, "Diversity creates a more creative and innovative workforce." (Kerby, 2012). Although diversity is everchanging in our society today, it …show more content…

Technoloy has changed amazingly over the last 50 years. "Society nowadays is very different becasue of the changes in technology." (Arias, 2013). Managers can use technology to their advantage when applying motivation. An example would be offering a brand- new laptop or an opportunity to win a flat- screen television to the employee who comes up with a new incentive to sell more of a product. High- end technology could not possibly be brought up by managers as a motivation drive since technology, back then, was so outdated and not worth all of the hard

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