Diversity In America

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“Diversity of thought and culture and religion and ideas has been the strength of America,” (Locke). America’s very foundation was built upon diversity. The Founding Fathers recognized that America is a place for people of any nationality to live freely and openly among one another. Diversity expands the culture in America to encompass all types of backgrounds because everyone deserves to be free to express who they are and what they believe in without opposition crushing their voice. In America, today, diversity has become more accepted; however, it remains a subject of controversy. Americans must remember that being an American means more than just having an American genealogy because the United States was founded upon different ideas and …show more content…

Of course, there are a few distinct foods that remain to be specific to America; however, by just driving down any major highway in America it is obvious that restaurants are ethnically diverse. For example, Panda Express is a major fast food chain in America that is centered around Chinese cuisine, sushi restaurants have become very popular among Americans, and gyros, a dish originating in Greece, have become very recognizable in the American culture. An even more extensive list demonstrates the diversity within the food market of America. Food that is ethnically diverse has impacted American society by introducing foreign cuisine to Americans who have never left the country or may not be able to travel to every country and experience every type of ethnic food. Also, ethnically diverse restaurants give Americans a glimpse into a multitude of different cultures allowing them to develop a very unique culture themselves. Ethnic diversity within cuisine gives America a very distinct taste for culture, and this diversity carries over to an area that allows Americans to learn and understand the languages of different …show more content…

Music is one of the most beautiful and heartwarming forms of communication. Through rhythms and melodies, music expresses and encompasses the different aspects of cultural difference because each culture has developed their own distinct sound. It can be heard in the simple strum of guitar chords, smooth melodies of a saxophone, or the powerful beat of a djembe. Musicians and their unique instruments and sounds come from all over the world to merge in America creating yet another diverse area of American society. Through these new sounds, American society begins to develop a taste for music that is so unique it can only be experienced firsthand. By listening and even learning how to play ethnically diverse music, Americans begin to dive into a deeper appreciation of how ethnic diversity in America can unite

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