Distinctively Passionate

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Prompt #1: Describe something that you are deeply passionate about and why.

Mathematics is a field that I am very passionate about. Though most people directly think of the school subject and are amused, I am actually talking about a different realm of mathematics. In fifth grade, I was introduced to a new genre of math. In that year, I participated in Math Olympiad. In this math competition, I discovered a type of math. The variety of math that was exposed to me required critical thinking, creativity, and an open mind. I saw math as an art from then on, as it made me think creatively, instead of the trite and straightforward subject that I had once thought mathematics was. As time passed, I got more and more interested, devoted, and curious about the innovative side of mathematics. …show more content…

Because I see math at a different angle, every pattern, design, and sequence sticks out to me. Many shapes, lines, and 3D objects remind me of specific geometry problems, while numbers and systems remind me of number theory. As math helps me think critically and creatively, the world becomes a realm of innovative application and unique thinking. As a result of my love of creative mathematics, I see the world as a domain full of interesting patterns and opportunities for innovative applications. Another prime reason I am passionate about mathematics is because it challenges my mind. When I am solving a problem or reading about a strategy, I always feel my mind processing every piece of information, getting more and more fascinated about the subject. Each problem challenges my brain, requiring me to explore the extensive database of techniques in my brain. Nevertheless, after each enigma is solved, I sense my mind documenting the problem and going further in the mathematical world. Math challenges me with difficult questions, but it pushes me to get better at the vast

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