NCSSM Questions

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Describe your personality and what makes you unique? Since I am homeschooled, I have had a different experience than people in public school. Also, I have had more opportunities to teach myself. I am an outgoing person and I enjoy being around people. Although I would consider myself an extrovert, I also appreciate quiet time to myself. I am usually an optimistic person. I am a thinker more than a feeler. I am task oriented and work hard; I throw myself into my work. I get very involved in my school and and my projects outside of school. I like to challenge myself, whether in my coursework or personal projects. Like every other human being, I have my strengths and weaknesses. I know that I am not a perfect person, and that makes me who I am now. I continually strive to develop and grow myself as a person. What words best describe your character? Give specific examples of why each word is applicable. Positive: I can generally see the bright side of a situation. I demonstrate a good attitude when my parents tell me to do extra work. Energetic: I get excited about things that I care about. Some of the things that excite me are math, computer programming, and Doctor Who. Ambitious: I try to work on projects that challenge me and improve me as a person. For example, I have challenged myself with personal programming projects to improve my programming skills. One of these was a program to help me prepare for the state MATHCOUNTS competition (explained in greater detail in the “Extracurricular Activities” section). Have you had any adversity in your life that you want to explain? I am grateful that I have a loving family and live in a good country. The only real adversities I’ve had to go through are financial issues in the family an... ... middle of paper ... ...trate your interest in mathematics and/or science? If so, please describe the activities and the extent and nature of your involvement: I competed in the MATHCOUNTS competition when I was in the 8th grade. I placed 4th in the regional competition and went on to the state competition (which was held on the NCSSM campus). After the regional competition, I programmed a “Math Fact Teacher” to help me memorize math facts to prepare for the state competition. I am on a FIRST Robotics Competition team (team #4534 Wired Wizards) for the second year in a row. I was the assistant programmer for the season of 2013, and I am the programming lead for the season of 2014. Our team placed 19th out of 52 teams at the 2013 North Carolina Regional, finishing as the highest ranked rookie team in North Carolina (the highest ranking rookie team at the competition was from out of state).

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