Distinction Between Rooflessness And Homelessness

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Definitions have the ability to contour the discourse and give power to those who create the terms. Words have the ability to illicit images and emotions which have the potential to be transformed into action. Different countries and organizations define homelessness differently and it directly affects the sort of goals they want to accomplish in relation to homelessness.
Though individuals who are homeless are often roofless it is important to make a distinction between the terms rooflessness and homelessness. It is also important to define precisely what it means to have a home. As common wisdom would indicate, a house is not necessarily a home and there are additional components that must be incorporated. Home is more than just a physical …show more content…

This becomes important to incorporate because an individual may feel at home on the streets because of their social situation and connection to their environment, regardless of how unconventional it may be. This can have an effect on resettlement and circumstances regarding rehabilitation. Additionally, there needs to be a distinction between different categories of homelessness. First there is rooflessness, which encompasses those individuals who have no roof over their heads. These people sleep on the streets, park benches and under trees. Rough sleeping is an instance of sleeping on the street (Smith and Ravenhill, 2007). Next there is houselessness.
This includes those who are living in cars, tents, sheds or other places which make them technically not roofless. Next there is precariously housed which includes those individuals who squat, stay in hostels, hotels, friends floors or those who are about to be evicted (Ravenhill,
2008.Triggers and Predictors of Homelessness
The path to homelessness is not a single event that occurs right before the emergence into homelessness. Much of the literature on the subject focuses on the experience faced

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