Disney And Snow White Comparison

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The movie Mirror Mirror is based off of the classic Disney movie “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”. The story follows Snow White as she lives with her evil stepmother who becomes jealous of Snow’s kind heart and innocent looks that make her the fairest of them all. Within the modern interpretation, the storyline takes on a new perspective that molds the characters to have different traits than the original. Even though the basic concept remains, the fact that the creators tweaked each personality results in a more intense and adventurous story. Disney fans will be drawn to this movie because not only does it add more life to a classic fairytale and gives the characters a stronger personality, but is also ties in other Disney fairytales into the details. Feminism is also viewed in this film, and creates a healthy balance …show more content…

While classics are always cherished, Walt Disney always had a wonderful imagination that took him far and brought new life to the film industry. He took classic tales and made them into family movies that all ages would enjoy. The original version of Snow White tells a darker story, one that would not have been accepted as well as the version that Disney created. Grimm’s version of Snow White depicts the queen as more of a mad and disturbing woman rather than a evil witch. In the original tale, the queen cooks what she thinks is Snow’s heart and eats it in triumph. Once she learns of the truth, the then finds Snow White and pulls the laces on her dress so tight that the girl falls over, seemingly dead. In the end, the queen is invited to Snow’s wedding where she had prepared red-hot iron shoes and the evil stepmother danced herself to death. Walt Disney took this tale and changed it of the better, receiving much praise and standing ovation at its first showing. Disney fans will appreciate Mirror Mirror as yet another wonderful retelling of Walt Disney’s first ever animated

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