Disenfranchisement: Underprivileged

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In this time, people embrace the socially conscious lifestyle. People more than ever are admitting ignorance and pledging their souls to the common good, but it is important to remember how the world got this way and what barriers had to be broken before students could safely write in a quiet classroom. Along with this, we must learn how groups become outcast and underprivileged. Disenfranchisement is caused by a number of interwoven, physiological and social inclinations in a society's collective imagination, including, but no limited to, repeated alienation, distrust, and lastly victimization. In any society, there are pressured exerted on it citizens constantly to observe other and tailor yourself accordingly. When one goes against …show more content…

They cite disability(used as and umbrella term for both physical and mental disabilities) as an example, saying that since one cannot change their disability and are treated badly because of it, disenfranchisement is caused by the disability itself. Although this may sound convincing it has drawback. Those who say that the disabled population is treated badly because of their disability are ignoring greater social problems underneath. People often, fail to understand how disability affects these otherwise ‘perfect’ people. Their innate biases and ignorance hinders them from being willing to learn and love these people. Additionally, if people continue to not change their views they risk imposing them on their children, thus continuing the cycle of indirect or even direct mistreatment. Furthermore, this view can be illustrated within Fahrenheit 451. When Captain Beatty describes the society’s endoctronal procedure with children. He says, “ Heredity and environment are funny things. You can't rid yourselves of all the odd ducks in just a few years. The home environment can undo a lot you try to do at school. That's why we've lowered the kindergarten age year after year until now we're almost snatching them from the cradle.” Children learn from adults, and when adults are open to releasing their internal biases the children will adopt their acceptance, but inversely a child reared in ignorance will be hard to keep away from

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